I am on a mac and trying to follow along with the generate multispec image video but am running into an error as soon as I try to generate the image. I choose everything the same as the video with the goal to open the same practice image but then when I hit open this error comes up:
File open error
“/private/var/folders/6v/1c49_1bx7gcrrwq24rymkw40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/7088FCEA-085D-4C56-8735-BD12C5293CDF/D/ImajeJ.app/pluggins/micaToolbox/importsetttings.txt(read-only file system)”
in line 218
Thank you for helping me out!
From that issue it looks like you’ve installed ImageJ to a protected system directory. Try unzipping ImageJ to another location and run it from there. The issue seems to be that the import settings file (which the coded uses to look up previously used settings) can’t be written to.