I am having difficulty “Generating a Cone Mapping Model from Chart” in that I keep receiving the following error message. I have used this feature in the past (about a year ago) repeatedly and everything worked okay. I tried reinstalling both ImageJ and micaToolbox, fixing any path issues on Mac, trying a bunch of different charts and receivers but with to no avail. Do you have any thoughts? Thank you!
Macro Error
Error: Index (1) out of 0–1 range in line 342:
modelR2s [ k ] = coneNames [ k ] + ” ” + replace ( logString [ 1 <]> , “R2: ” , “” ) ;
I could recommend checking the naming of channels and files, i.e. looking out for spaces, long names and symbols that might prevent the script from running properly. See if it works for the files it worked in the past.