I am having an issue with the software not being able to save information.
I have been trying to calibrate my camera using the model linearisation models. I am able to make the models which have high R^2 values (0.999-red, 1.0-blue, 1.0-green) but I am not able to save the information into the system.
When I try to save the information, I get the following error message:
“/private/var/folders/01/q3lkb1gs30bg0_3222syd00m0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/167214B1-A68A-44C2-8751-342FFD7ED032/d/ImageJ .app/plugins/micaToolbox/Linearisation Models/Sonya7II.text (Read-only system)” in line 239
Has anyone experienced this or be able to give me advice on how to fix this?
Thank you!
Maybe you cannot write and manipulate files if your system is set up for reading only… Have you tried to repeat everything in an environment with full administrator rights?