I have been troubleshooting micaToolbox v2.2, because I cannot get my files to open when I am generating an mspec image. Instead of loading the directory window for me to select a photo, I get this error:
Error: File open error
“/private/var/folders/l5/v61lc2297358vp5r8xxjzs140000gn/T/AppTranslocation/2D1B91B7-8365-4431-BD25-5ACBE2A0A34C/d/ImageJ.app/plugins/micaToolbox/importSettings.txt (Read-only file system)”
in line 211:
dataFile = File . open ( settingsFilePath <)> ;
I am able to load a raw image using DCRAW import, and I have changed the file permissions for the micaToolbox plugin to execute, so I’m not sure why it doesn’t work when I try to generate a mspec. I get the same error with the Photo Screening tool.
I have tried updating everything and restarting my computer and making all the files executable. I am working on a M1 Mac in Monterey. Is there any other troubleshooting I can try?
Sorry about the issue. It looks like ImageJ is running in a sandbox (MacOS does stuff like this). Try moving your ImageJ.app file elsewhere in your file system. e.g. the base directory. Otherwise google issues related to write control in apps in MacOS.