Hi, we are having trouble with the Photo screening tool. When asked to select an area for the “measured standard” the selection is not shown. There is no visible frame or anything to confirm that the selection exists. It appears to correctly measure the reflectance later on but then again the section is not shown in the multispectral image. This error happened both in a PC laptop and an apple iMac. We are running ImageJ version 1.53k and the micaToolbox 2.2.2.
Could this be an error occurring for this latests versions?
Thanks for your help.
from https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/docs/guide/146-10.html:
Maybe the entire image is selected as an ROI, preventing you from selecting areas within. Try using Edit▷Selection▷Select None [A]↓ prior to trying to select your ROIs. Does this help?