Hi, I am trying to generate and convert to a cone model. When I try to ‘Convert Image to Cone Catch’, the model I have generated does not appear in the drop down list. I think this is because when I generate a cone model (using either the ‘Cone Mapping from Chart’ or ‘Cone Mapping from Spectral Sensitivities’), the .java file (e.g.’eIm_52mm_Bluetit_D65_.java’) is produced but not the .class file (e.g. eIm_52mm_Bluetit_D65_.class).
What am I doing wrong?!
Cone Models .class not generated
Will Allen Answered question September 3, 2019
Thanks for the quick reply Jolyon. Installing ImageJ outside of Program Files fixed the issue.
Cone Models .class not generated
Will Allen Edited answer September 3, 2019