Hi there,
I have used peafowl vision model instead of chickens to measure JND of some elements. I wanted to get elements with similar colour (Colour JND <1) and different luminance (Luminance JND >1). I plan to use this for a detection experiment using chickens. I used peafowls vision model as a proxy for chickens. Is this valid?
Hi Sadiq,
I would recommend searching the literature for peer reviewed studies publishing visual system parameters of domestic chickens and create your own visual model. Have a look through our lists on this website, you might find useful information. Chickens have been used plenty for colour vision research, so you should be easily able to find studies of interest and/or researchers with past experience modelling colour and luminance contrast perception in chickens? Once you know how different or similar their visual system is from that of a peafowl, you can assess if it matters significantly or not.