I understand that to measure colour reflectance, the most straight forward way is to use a spectrometer. But can I also measure the colour reflectance of an object using micatoolbox? What will be the difference?
Thank you!
A spectrophotometer will be able to give you an actual reflectance curve for your object (how much light is reflected at each wavelength). The mica toolbox can’t do that (well, not without some major tinkering), as it is only receiving (and using) the degree to which each pixel channel in a camera has been stimulated. However, both, ultimately are and can be used to derive estimates of colour. While using a spectrophotometer is doing so using said reflectance curve, the toolbox is arriving at the same point using a ‘mapping function’ that maps the camera response across to the cone stimulation of a given visual system. Technically speaking, the toolbox only uses reflectance curves at the stage of creating the mapping function where it makes use of a reflectance spectra database that is built into it. However, in either case the result is an estimate of photoreceptor stimulation that is at the base of any estimate of colour perception.