A few weeks ago I asked a question about creating multispectral images using ImageJ and the micatoolbox. I was having issues opening my .RAW images, getting these three errors:

  1. “Timeout- DCRAW doesn’t seem to have processed this file”
  2. “There are no images open in line 63 run (“32-bit<)>;
  3. “There are no images open in line 363 photoID = getImageID(<)>;

Since then I have uninstalled all the software and did a clean downloaded the following: ImageJ for Java 8, MicaToolbox V.2.2.1 and LibRaw V.0.20.2 on my Windows. I downloaded ImageJ to my desk top and extracted the files for both micatoolbox and LibRaw into the plugins folder of ImageJ. I have the four folders required for micatoolbox as well as the folder \”LibRaw-0.20.2\” in the plugins. I tried opening a .RAW file again, but I still get the three above errors. I\’m not sure what\’s going wrong.

Still cannot open .RAW files
Cedric van den Berg Answered question January 19, 2021